How can I remove my source form FlashBeing?
You can simply make its feed (RSS, Atom, Connected Web) unavailable by configuring it to serve a 403, 404, 410, or other error status message to our user agent.
Does FlashBeing cache or store my contents?
We cache/store your contents only in two situations:
1) When your source recieves too much traffic in a short period of time: in this case we cache temporarily, for a short period of time, the entire feed in order to reduce the number of hits to your server.
1) When an user Saves for Later, Collects, Comments, Highlights or Shares content of your source: in this case we store a single copy of your content in our servers, in order to deliver it later immediatly. You can delete any stored content of your surces after you've verified your website on FlashBeing. Please keep in mind that deleting a content can lead to an important decrease of traffic, beacause it will be completely removed form all Saved, Collected... lists of all FlashBeing's users.
How often will FlashBeing's fetcher retrieve my sources?
We fetch your sources each time an user requests them, except when a source receives too much hits in a short period of time. In that case we cache its data from 1 minute up to 1 hour.
Are all fetch requests served from the same IP?
No, FlashBeing is distributed on several machines to scale and improve performance. The best way to identify FlashBeing's fetcher is to use its identifiable user-agent.
Do you support push feeds?
Yes, if you like to push us directly your data instead of letting FlashBeing's fetcher to grab it, please contact us at
It's possibile to include ads in my sources/feeds?
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